Enemy Inside signs with Reigning Phoenix Music and announces new single and album

The band has signed a new record deal with Reigning Phoenix Music (RPM) and has plenty in store for fans.

27. Jun 2024

Nastassja Giulia

The band has signed a new record deal with Reigning Phoenix Music (RPM) and looks back with gratitude on their time with Rock Of Angels Records. Enemy Inside is excited about the newly signed multi-album deal with Reigning Phoenix Music. „We are convinced that this will be a great partnership that will help us present our music to a worldwide audience,“ said the band.

High praise from CEO Jochen Richert

RPM CEO Jochen Richert is also enthusiastic about the collaboration: „Enemy Inside has already made a name for themselves in the scene, and we are proud to welcome them to RPM. We strongly believe in their potential and will support them in reaching the next level.“

New album and single on the horizon

Enemy Inside’s upcoming third album is already in the starting blocks. The new songs are set to take listeners on an emotional rollercoaster. Influences from the scene, such as Bring Me The Horizon, Bad Omens, I Prevail, and Cassyette, are evident. As a first taste of the new album, the single „What We Used To Be“ will be released on July 12. It's already available for pre order.

On July 26, fans will have the opportunity to see Enemy Inside live at the Qstock Festival in Oulu, Finland. An extensive European tour will follow in the spring of 2025.

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