Ariel Bloomer

Ariel Bloomer (*September 6, 1989) is an American singer and songwriter. She is the lead vocalist of the band Icon for Hire, an alternative rock band from Decatur, Illinois.

Icon for Hire
Alternative Metal
Alternative Rock
Electronic Rock
Pop Punk

Icon for Hire

The band Icon for Hire was founded in 2007 and gained recognition through their energetic live performances and music that combines elements of rock, pop, and electronic. Ariel Bloomer is known for her powerful vocals and honest, often emotional lyrics.

Musician, YouTuber, and Author

Her YouTube channel, The REL Show, captivates thousands of viewers every week. In 2017, the singer released her first book titled "Turn Your Pain Into Art."

Image of Diva
Image of Diva
Image of Diva
Image of Diva
Image of Diva
Image of Diva
Image of Diva
Image of Diva


Icon for Hire

Current band

6. Sep 1989






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